Paper topics include, but are not limited to:

  1. novel robot design and robot modules/components;
  2. personal, service, medical, space and rescue robots;
  3. cooperative and networked robotics;
  4. challenges in control, modeling, kinematical and dynamical analysis of robotic systems;
  5. innovations in sensor systems for robots and perception;
  6. biomechanics, humanoid robots, biorobots;
  7. educational issues.


Draft papers should be submitted by January 16th, 2022 January 30th, 2022 via EasyChair submission system
The submission details for the final papers will be given upon acceptance.
Each accepted paper will be provided by its own DOI.
The Romansy 2022 proceedings will be published in a CISM-Springer book indexed in Scopus.


  1. Prepare the draft and final version of your paper using the Latex and Word available templates and instructions given on CISM’s web site (
  2. The final version of the paper MUST NOT exceed 8 typeset pages.
  3. Photographs and grayscale figures should be prepared with 300 dpi resolution and saved with no compression.
  4. High-contrast line figures and tables should be prepared with 600 dpi resolution.
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